Dress: GB Gianni Bini | Sandals: Jack Rogers
The title of this blog is brought to you by my favorite 4th of July song. In middle school, we used to celebrate “Old Glory Day” during the school year, since 4th of July was during the summer. It was my favorite thing ever! Teachers would come to every class with this cart and sell patriotic items like flags, little sailor hats, ribbons, and pinwheels, and my mom always gave me plenty of money to buy all the fun stuff. We would also learn all the 4th of July songs in music class, (like Grand Old Flag) and would march around the front of the school decked out in our garb singing at the top of our lungs. My love for the 4th definitely began back then, it’s one of my fondest memories.
That dress has to be one of the cutest things I’ve seen! I love it!
Love this! You have the world’s greatest hair. Too cute.
Thank you, Rachel!! Have a wonderful weekend!
One of my favorite memories is watching you and sis march around the circle in your red white and blue! You always had a silly hat on your head!
It’s one of my favorites too! I always wanted that silly sailor hat haha, I love you, Mom!
Thats a sweet memory❤️