| Top | Heels | Clutch | Denim | Earrings | Bracelet |
I have been in the highest of spirits this past week! I think it’s a combination of the incredible spring weather we’ve been having in Charleston, and the feeling of finally finding my place here in a new city.
As y’all might have seen from a post I did in December, my transition here kind of got off to a rocky start. I was having a crisis moment deciding which direction I wanted to take my blog, while also feeling worried about whether or not I was making the right decision by picking up and moving away from everyone I know. It was difficult, but now after being here for nearly 6 months, I feel like things are falling into place both personally and professionally. I’ve made some amazing friends, settled into my apartment (it’s almosttt done but not quite ready for a real reveal), established a great connection with a wonderful photographer, hired an assistant who happens to also be a dear friend (holla at my golden girl Megan), and decided to officially rebrand and add food posts on the blog once a week. I can’t help but feel an overwhelming amount of gratitude toward all the people who have helped me feel at home here finally.
Anyway, enough of the mush and onto this outfit. I did a poll on my Instagram stories and asked y’all if you wanted to see more dresses or casual pieces on my page and 60% said casual, so here we are! I have been loving the raw hem jeans trend, and this high-waisted pair is less than $100 and amazing quality. The raw hem adds such a fun touch to an otherwise simple pair of dark-wash denim. I also got this peplum top for $16! I thought the blue was perfect to pair with my new Laura Duke hand-painted clutch.
Make it a great week, friends! Thanks for reading.
I’m so happy both of our hearts and intuition led us here to Charleston! I feel like wonderful and beautiful things are on the horizon for both of us 🙂
Love that outfit. And so excited about your present and future. I was just introduced to you by a friend and I think she’s actually getting us together soon. Excited to meet you and see what else you have in store!