Jewelry: Necklace and Earrings from Purpose Jewelry c/0| Blouse: Harlowe and Graham (sold out, similar and $15!) | Denim: Marshall’s (all gone, these are a good price!) | Sandals: Old Navy (last season, super close) | Clutch: Burberry (drooling over this beauty)
I’d like to take this opportunity to talk about a cause that has become very dear to my heart, and that’s Purpose Jewelry.
Purpose jewelry tells a story of hope, strength, and perseverance. When a girl escapes or is rescued from sex trafficking she is forced to deal with a tremendous amount of trauma caused by her experience with very little support. With her lack of education and employable skills, her options are limited and the future seems hopeless.
The mission is in the name. There is real purpose behind every purchase of beautiful jewelry, and it’s this: every piece of jewelry is handmade by survivors of sex trade, and 100% of the proceeds going toward International Sanctuary, a non profit that provides holistic care for young survivors of modern-day slavery.
iSanctuary provides employment, job training, and the financial stability survivors need in order to properly provide for themselves and their families. Each young woman who graduates from the program at iSanctuary is equipped with the skills and knowledge that she needs to enter the job market with confidence. These survivors are given the opportunity to follow their dreams and achieve goals that once seemed impossible. No longer hopeless, these young women are now empowered and able to live free from poverty and exploitation.
A few facts:
1. 27 million people are enslaved in the world today
2. $90 is the average cost to purchase a young girl and own her as a slave
3. Modern day slavery brings in $32 BILLION dollars-more than Nike, Google, and Starbucks combined
4. 1% is the chance a girl has of being rescued-children as young as 5 are sold into sex slavery
5. Every minute 4 children are forced into slavery
6. The chance of a trafficker being convicted is less than 1%
All this information is overwhelming, and brings me so much sadness. While there’s not much you or I can do to help convict the evil people in the world who are a part of this horrific cycle, it’s important to focus on what we can do. By purchasing pieces of jewelry from Purpose, you are helping the women who are rescued start their lives over.
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you will consider doing some good today!
these pieces are amazing. so dainty and i am ALWAYS about supporting a good cause. thanks for highlighting such great jewels! xo